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Hi Mattz, your Harpy stars in my latest release. It was just what I was looking for. :)


Very fun game, well done! :D

A few of your works do not have death animations. Please add them. I am ready to buy them.

I will add the missing death animations as soon as possible.

Thanks for your support! :)

Done! All my works now have death animations.

Thank you very much, I have made the purchase.

Can you make a medusa type of creature and a siren (topless) versions? I will buy.

Yes, I can do that. In fact, I was already planning to make a kind of Medusa.

I noticed you are adjusting the art to proper 2d pespective! Awesome!  Can you fix the harpie as well as just left and right? Also, here is the medusa style I need (from a game called battle of olympus):

I need the volupteous curves for the medusa and the harpie for my game.


Thanks! :)