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Let's goooooo love the update!!!!!

Hey there, I was looking for a main character asset like this but the problem is it doesn't have wall animations.

Can u please add wall animations?

Yes, I want to add wall animations for the other characters too, I'll do that when I have some free time.

Can you make tilesets for your samurai pack and some enemies? (edo japan empire style)

I'm already developing a tileset for this series, and soon I'll be adding some enemies as well.

Thanks for the feedback!

Great! I'll buy it when it's ready

Wow dude just bought your Winter Bundle!  Man you do great work what a nice deal.  You'll be mentioned as the artist in my game and directly called out to your itch site man.  Love your work.  Perfect for what Im doing.  And it's just great art.  Really Awesome.

Your really helping a game dev out.!!  I hope others get your value man!  Great work.

Thank you! I'm glad you like my work. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. :)